Sunday, August 07, 2011

Autostart Console2 with Multiple Tabs

So I have a nifty little trick I use to run a yakuake like shell in my Windows Desktop.  That way I run it with F12, then hide it when not in use with F12.  It's great.  But I wanted to run my MUTT mail program when I started it the first time and then just leave it running in the background to check emails as I go.  I accomplished this with a nifty little command from console2 itself.  No more wasted memory, no more having something open in my taskbar or icon bar, everything is self contained and memory limited!

First off how to make a yakuake like shell on windows Desktop.  Check here for directions on how to do that:

Quake (Yakuake) style Dropdown console

Now to the Mutt stuff!! ha ha

Firstly go into console settings by right clicking the black area and go to Edit->Settings:

Now once in you want to add a new tab to the tab options, call it whatever you like.  I called mine Mutt, appropriately.

Leave default options for now, maybe change your startup dir from Desktop to just your users profile. Now just OK and exit the console2 window by typing exit into it.

Now you want to edit your AutoStart key file to autoload console2 with the two tabs and mutt autoloaded!!

You want to replace the line that says "Run Console.exe" with this line:

Run Console.exe -t Main -t Mutt -r C:\mutt\mutt.bat

And replace the location of mutt with your location from the install of mutt for windows.  You can get Mutt for windows here:
Mutt Windows 32-Bit

What you are telling it is -t means Tab, and -r means run.  So open two tabs and in second tab RUN X command.

There you have it, you first load windows in, call F12 to load your console, maybe 20MB of ram max.  It automatically loads a console window and MUTT!!  Enjoy, no more having Gmail open or Outlook or Thunderbird those memory HOG apps!!